I worked as a technical director on the the 3D animated musical about a pig being fed up for xmas in Copenhagen 1932.
The film was created on the Danish Film School in 2009 - 2010
with a large team of creative and talented individuals.
My responsibilities were creating mocap recordings and data for the human characters,
creating mockups of characters and environment, creating the one take camera,
organizing the pipeline of the production, render wrangling and generally
helping out in all spots on the production.
The Danish press wrote some amazing reviews for the movie. Here are some exerpts:
"Julegrisen er et mesterværk". (Christmas Piggy is a masterpiece)
(Berlingske Tidninge) 5 stars
"Årets flotteste afgangsfilm" (This years most beautiful graduation film)
"Højt niveau af teknisk kunnen og kunstnerisk originalitet" (High technical knowledge and artistic originality)
(Politiken) 5 stjerner
Screenshots from the movie.
Here is the international trailer for the movie: